Pet Policy

To help ensure that the North Cascades Bluegrass Festival is an enjoyable experience for everyone in attendance, we have established the following policies regarding pets.


  • Pets (excluding fully registered and licensed trained service animals), are Not Allowed inside the festival performance, seating, beer/cider garden or vendor areas.  Pets are also not allowed in any of the on-site buildings.


  • Pets are ALLOWED IN the camping areas only and must be on a leash or if unattended properly contained in an approved pet container or kept inside a well-ventilated RV, trailer, camper or tent at all times.


  • Unattended Pets:  Pets may not be left unattended in a car or truck anywhere on the Deming Log Show grounds (“Festival Grounds”).  Any attendee who leaves an unattended pet in a vehicle will be asked to make other arrangements for their pets before being allowed into the festival grounds.   NOTE: Whatcom Humane Society will be called without warning to the pet owner for any unattended pet found inside an unattended vehicle.


  • Pet Waste:  All pet owners or those pet sitting for owners are responsible for picking up and disposing of their pet’s waste. Owners can place their pet’s waste bags in the trash containers provided on site.

Your  cooperation in adhering to these policies is greatly appreciated.



If you do need to place your pet in a near-by kennel, here are some suggestions: